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Références Éducation
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As an educator, entrepreneur, and public representative, Katherine has thirty years of experience working with the people of Dublin South West, and puts community at the heart of public life.

Katherine is running for the Dáil because she believes that a more equal Ireland can be achieved. She believes that politics needs to become more collaborative, and the gap between the issues facing our communities and what is prioritised in Leinster House must be bridged through working together with the people.

Katherine is running as an Independent because Irish politics needs people with the freedom to think creatively and act courageously now more than ever.


Investing in the children of Dublin South West is the best way to cut poverty and inequality. We can only ensure all children get an equal start by investing in high quality early education, afterschool care and children’s health services.

As an educator Katherine is fighting for substantial increases in spending to ensure excellence and affordability in early childhood and after-school services. In her ‘Equal Start’ report she outlines a pathway to Nordic-style early years and childhood support services in Ireland that would guarantee every child an equal, high-quality start in life.

Katherine proposes the establishment of a one-stop shop for family services that would provide development and wellness monitoring for all children, access routes to early intervention services and parenting resources. The initiatives in ‘Equal Start’ will greatly improve the education and health outcomes for all children in Ireland.


Disability must not be a barrier to equality. Katherine is fighting to reverse cuts to frontline disability services and carer supports. Dublin South West needs funding to develop community based infrastructures.

She has published the Right to Love Bill (2014), which removes the outdated requirement that people with disabilities have to be married in order to have intimate relationships, this will ensure respect and equality.

Katherine is seeking targeted funding for childcare providers and schools to ensure there are enough special needs assistants and resources in local schools..

Through her community work in Dublin South West Katherine has seen that job activation supports must be made available to all people with disabilities. In the Dail she will ensure that the economic contribution by carers is recognised by the state and that eligibility for medical cards is based on medical need.


Katherine recognises the severe difficulties facing many households and wants the government to declare the housing crisis as a national emergency.

A number of steps must be taken. Katherine has published a bill that would ensure greater protections for tenants and more favourable tax treatment for landlords who opt-in. She also proposes an innovative community-based model for an immediate way to house those who are homeless or seeking refuge in Ireland.

Katherine believes the problems of the housing market cannot be solved in the private rented sector alone. The ultimate solution is to build more homes, private and social.

She also believes measures to tackle the mortgage arrears crisis must be delivered without delay. The banks must act according to the Central Bank’s code of conduct so that the unfair power disparity between the lender and the troubled borrower is removed.